Communal Table (July 20)
Communal Table continues. If you missed last week, you can always go back in time (all of the links will still be there).
So what's on the menu for this week?
david lynch on where ideas come from (Video)
I was expecting more research and less speculation in this one, but it was still interesting to think about. Where do they come from? Are they caught or do they generate up ex nihilo (out of nothing)?
My wife and in-laws get together to watch the Bachelorette. I personally enjoy this spin-off better.
Why Mark Burns' RNC Benediction Was Terrible
Over at the Federalist, a Lutheran pastor (the Lutheran satire guy, actually!) touches on the same thing I wrote about yesterday. It's really good, so go check it out. Here's a gem from Hans Fiene's piece that resonates well with mine:
Preach the gospel that unites all who believe it. Tell people their sins are forgiven. Tell them they are now free to love their neighbors because God has loved them through the blood of his Son. Tell them that, because Christ’s kingdom is not of this earth, they are free to love those who have a different approach to the work of earthly kingdoms. Speak the words that have caused people in every generation to stop loving the sins unique to their respective political ideologies, to embrace those they once called their enemies, and to trust not in princes, but in the King of Kings.
St. Patrick's Bad Analogies (Video)
Since I just brought up Lutheran satire, I feel compelled to share this oldie but goodie. Donall and Conall teach us how to avoid trinitarian heresy and maintain creedal fidelity. It's A+ humor and pedagogy all in one. :)
Blessed Are Those Who Mourn: The Relief of Grief
Lauren R.E. Larkin did a breakout session in NYC. Watch it here or click the link above.
We started getting into this, then stopped, and then started again only to stop for good. But I guess it's coming back so we may finish it after all. Was Avery innocent or was he guilty?
Dear Parents with Young Children in Church
This is a an old article from HuffPost back in 2013, but it's still worth sharing in 2016. Parenting in the pew is hard work. This is a drop of cool water for parents in the wilderness. HT to my friend and colleague, Adriel Sanchez, for reminding me of this one. Oh, and if you're ever in lower San Diego, go visit the church he is planting. :)
That's all for this week, folks! Tune in next week.
Oh, and it was Frederick Buechner's 90th birthday last week, so happy (belated) birthday to him and here's a quote to celebrate the occasion:
“Lust is the craving for salt of a person who is dying of thirst.”