Is the Unbelievable Truth About the Hopeful Resurrection Actually Believable?
There are a lot of theories about the missing body of Jesus, but which theory best accounts for the data and evidence we have? Have an open mind, think through some of the major theories with me.
Greater Love Is More Than Just Talk
Love does not think about doing works, it finds joy in people; and when something good is done for others, that does not appear to love as works but simply as gifts which flow naturally from love. —Martin Luther
Waving Our Palm Branches and American Flags
Jesus calls us to drop our palm branch causes in favor of a different, better way.
5 Things You Must Do When Talking to People About Jesus
If we have all of the knowledge in the world—enough to move mountains—and yet we do not have love, then the best apologist for the Christian faith suddenly becomes one of the worst adversaries of the gospel.
Why Christians Must Sing the Bible
The songs we sing back to God should, of course, be honest. But, they should also be holy—as God is holy. How do we strike the balance between honesty and reverence?
A Fireside Chat with Jesus About Church Leadership
Jesus is telling Peter, and is charging Christian leaders with something a whole lot more challenging than crossing off a ministry checklist. True leadership is not just what you do but how you go about doing it.
This Is What Makes Christianity Different From Other Religions
True leadership does not demand and take. True leadership serves and gives.
Why We Can’t Just Be “Spiritual But Not Religious”
Is it possible for a Christian to be “spiritual but not religious”?
Things People Really Hate About Christians Today
I’ve noticed that people really hate Christians today because we’re more about politics, or causes, or holding onto power than we are about the gospel. So I want to share several things people hate about Christians today.
Let the Little Children Come Into Big Church
People are always asking the question, “Should we have our children with us in public worship?” Here is my answer to this difficult question.