What is the Valued Conference and Why Is It Needed?







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Topical experts and practitioners will provide teaching, resources, and action-oriented next steps for our churches and for individuals to consider. Our conference speakers include: 

Rachael & Jacob Denhollander

Justin & Lindsey Holcomb

Boz Tchividjian

Michael Horton

& Mary DeMuth

The Valued Conference is being led by volunteers and is hosted by two local churches who simply seek to see themselves, along with others, better equipped and informed on the topic. We believe that the Word of God, in Christ Jesus and His Gospel, leads us to compassionately bring abounding love, hope, and comfort to survivors, and calls us to protect the vulnerable by seeking justice.

WHEN: March 22-23, 2019 (Friday evening & Saturday) 

WHERE: First Presbyterian Church, 320 Date St, San Diego, CA 

COST: $40 (late registration now in effect), please register at valuedconference.com before the venue fills up!

7 Simple Ways You and/or Your Church Can Help OUT Right Now

1. Announce this conference to your congregation from up front, in your church newsletter and/or place details about it in your bulletins! 

Example for bulletin insert:

Two churches in San Diego are hosting the Valued Conference this March 22-23 that will be a resource for others to biblically and thoughtfully UNDERSTAND, PREVENT, IDENTIFY, AND RESPOND TO sexual abuse and assault. You can now register online at valuedconference.com for only $30! Please tell others about this event.

2. Put this event somewhere on your church or personal website to highlight the event and drive more people to valuedconference.com for registration. 

Example: Check out https://redemptionsd.com/valued2019/

3. Share or Retweet Valued Conference on social media from your personal/church accounts or share about this conference in your own creative way.

Valued Conference is on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

Facebook | Twitter | Instagram 

4. If you have a children's ministry leader, director, or coordinator, encourage them and other leaders in your church to attend this conference. 

All children's volunteers and nursery workers should be encouraged to attend, and discounts are available for such volunteers. Please email valuedconf@gmail.com for discount and group codes.

5. Talk to your church leaders to see if your church can financially support the Valued Conference. 

Click the "Support Valued" tab on the valuedconference.com website or mail a check to Redemption Church with the donation designated toward "Valued Conference." (Feel free to email me if you decide to go with the second option.)

Your support provides for costs and needs, including scholarships for more people to attend. We are still looking for donations to fully fund this event. If your church is able to donate, you can 

6. Please plan to attend this conference yourself. The cost is only $40.

7. Pray for this conference to be an encouraging and helpful resource for many people in Southern California and beyond! 

Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.
— Matthew 10:31

My colleague, Adam Smith, and I were recently invited to talk about the Valued Conference with our Fitz-fam&friends. You can listen to the full podcast episode by clicking on the box above or by going to iTunes (or wherever else podcasts are consumed).

Nicholas Davis

Rev. Nicholas Davis is a teacher in California. He was pastor of Redemption Church (PCA) in San Diego, California and contributed to The Gospel Coalition, Modern Reformation Magazine, Core Christianity, Christianity Today, Fathom Magazine, Unlocking the Bible, and more. Nick and his wife, Gina, have three sons.

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