Maybe God Wants Us to Be Happy After All
There are (quite a few) Christians who seem to be very unhappy, angry, and bitter. How can a people who are supposed to be all about the gospel—supposedly "good news"—be such a miserable group of people to be around? Does God want people to be unhappy? Are Christians commissioned to act like jerks?
Is the Exclusivity of Jesus a Problem for You?
I remember thinking this in my atheism, and whenever I doubt I go back to these thoughts.
6 of the Worst Ways Christians Engage the Culture
Here are 6 ways we try to engage the culture and change the world, but guarantee that we’ll lose our neighbor in the process.
My Top 10 Least Read Articles of 2017
Here are my 10 least (or worst) read articles from 2017.
Americans Are Too Busy for Jesus
Americans view the church as merely optional. What can we learn from this?
O Unholy Night: A Christmas Eve Homily
A version of this was preached on Sunday, December 24 at Redemption's Christmas Eve service.
What Does the Bible Say About the Refugee Crisis?
Do we provide for our foreign neighbors or protect our domestic ones?