A Fireside Chat with Jesus About Church Leadership
Jesus is telling Peter, and is charging Christian leaders with something a whole lot more challenging than crossing off a ministry checklist. True leadership is not just what you do but how you go about doing it.
This Is What Makes Christianity Different From Other Religions
True leadership does not demand and take. True leadership serves and gives.
Why We Can’t Just Be “Spiritual But Not Religious”
Is it possible for a Christian to be “spiritual but not religious”?
Things People Really Hate About Christians Today
I’ve noticed that people really hate Christians today because we’re more about politics, or causes, or holding onto power than we are about the gospel. So I want to share several things people hate about Christians today.
Let the Little Children Come Into Big Church
People are always asking the question, “Should we have our children with us in public worship?” Here is my answer to this difficult question.
12 Headlines That Aren't Clickbait From The Bible
‘Spiritual Leader Discovered Drunk and Naked in His Home’
On America's Gun Problem: We Need More Talk, Prayers, and Action
America has a gun problem, and we need more dialogue, prayers, and action if we're ever going to solve it.
Jesus Is Calling You to Have Your Worst Life Now
What Jesus has promised for every person called to follow him.
When Your Aspirations Are Greater Than God’s Desire for Your Ministry
"God created the world out of nothing, and so long as we are nothing, He can make something out of us." —Martin Luther
Why Sleeping is Not a Waste of Time
Do you feel like you're not getting enough sleep? Do you abhor the fact that you have to sleep each night? Here are some thoughts on why we sleep.