Is the Unbelievable Truth About the Hopeful Resurrection Actually Believable?
There are a lot of theories about the missing body of Jesus, but which theory best accounts for the data and evidence we have? Have an open mind, think through some of the major theories with me.
Dr. Seuss Was A Person, No Matter How Small
How Dr. Seuss’ Racist and Xenophobic Heart Grew From Being Two Sizes, Too Small and How Our Hearts Can Grow, Too
Understanding Critical Theory
“Slap anyone with the label ‘Critical Race Theory,’ and they automatically become enemies of the church.” —Jemar Tisbey, author of The Color of Compromise
Justice is Always Social
We need to reclaim “justice” from the world and proclaim it again in the church.
Greater Love Is More Than Just Talk
Love does not think about doing works, it finds joy in people; and when something good is done for others, that does not appear to love as works but simply as gifts which flow naturally from love. —Martin Luther
My Relative, A Slave Owner
On the sins of our fathers and being honest about the sin of our heroes.
The Bible Won't Let Me Toe the Party Line: Thoughts on American Politics as a Christian
American Politics is an okay servant but makes for a terrible lord.