What is the Purpose of Sex?
For many people today, having sex is no different from shaking hands with someone else or giving a hug. It’s a common, human relation that just so happens to feel good too.
Make the Gospel Great Again
A political reflection on Jesus, Pilate, AR-15’s, battle hymns, evangelicals, and Trump for Holy Week.
Reading the Bible and Praying More Won’t Break Your Porn Addiction
How to overcome your addiction to pornography.
What is the Valued Conference and Why Is It Needed?
Learn more about the Valued Conference, register for this unique event, and find out how you can help spread the word to others so that tomorrow’s church does better than yesterday.
Answering "How far is too far?" "Is it a sin?" and "Can I look at porn?" with a Biblical Sexual Ethic
Just like following Paul’s sexual ethic to the Corinthian church would make the Christians unpopular in Corinth, so too does a biblical sexual ethic make American churches unpopular in the ever-shifting tides of American culture.
5 Things You Must Do When Talking to People About Jesus
If we have all of the knowledge in the world—enough to move mountains—and yet we do not have love, then the best apologist for the Christian faith suddenly becomes one of the worst adversaries of the gospel.
Hope and Help For Those Thinking About Suicide
I want you to be alive. Let me tell you why.
God Has a Plan for Your Sex Life and It's Liberating
I’m sorry to be the one to have to tell you about all of this, but this is the world our children are growing up in and it's the one we currently live in. And if we can’t talk about any of it in the church, then others will. And the consequences of our silence won't be pretty.
Five Reasons Why We Should Talk About Sex More
Why we should talk about sex more than we do.
On America's Gun Problem: We Need More Talk, Prayers, and Action
America has a gun problem, and we need more dialogue, prayers, and action if we're ever going to solve it.