The Divided States of America

The Divided States of America

How sex became the fault line of American politics

Why She Left the Church

Why She Left the Church

You were right to leave church for that.

Answering "How far is too far?" "Is it a sin?" and "Can I look at porn?" with a Biblical Sexual Ethic

Answering "How far is too far?" "Is it a sin?" and "Can I look at porn?" with a Biblical Sexual Ethic

Just like following Paul’s sexual ethic to the Corinthian church would make the Christians unpopular in Corinth, so too does a biblical sexual ethic make American churches unpopular in the ever-shifting tides of American culture.

The Most Godless Book in the Bible

The Most Godless Book in the Bible

Ever wondered why a book that doesn’t even mention God’s name is in the Bible?